Sweet FM goes on air in Ogun

A private radio station, Sweet FM, established in Abeokuta, the Ogun State Capital, went on air on Saturday.

The station will officially commence full operations on Monday.

Commissioning the station, the Alake of Egbaland, Adedotun Gbadebo, said the establishment of the station would provide job opportunities to people of the state.

Gbadebo, who was the first person to speak live on the station, commended the founder for the initiative, and called on other Ogun State indigenes to emulate him.

While praying for the success of the venture, the royal father said the founder of the station had provided a platform for residents and non-residents to air their views.

The founder of the station, Gbenga Obadara, expressed optimism that the station has come to stay.

He said one of the major policies of the station is to be unbiased, adding that it would ensure professionalism in its operation.

Obadara, a former senator, said the visit of President Muhammadu Buhari to Ogun State for the 40th anniversary celebration of the state on Monday would be transmitted live.

The new station, aired on 101.7MHz frequency, has its transmitter installed at Ike-Egunya Hill, and its corporate headquarters located at Ibara GRA, Abeokuta.

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